A Three Phase 6 Month Muscle Building Course

This course is mainly targeted towards guys. Women can get value too, but would most likely want to adjust the phases to insure that they don’t gain too much muscle. They would want to focus a bit more on phase II and phase III and probably limit phase I (this will make sense in a second). Here is a breakdown of the three phases:

Phase I: Quick muscle gains, by focusing in the higher rep range and limiting rest periods in between sets. This creates “cumulative fatigue”…where each set builds upon the previous set. The growth in this phase is largely due to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This is an increase in the fluid (sarcoplasm) within the muscle cells.

Phase II: “Hardening up” the muscle gained from phase I while continuing to increase muscle mass (but now at a slower rate). We are focusing now in the mid rep range with longer rest periods. Each set is separate from the previous set and now we are maximizing tension and avoiding “cumulative fatigue”. This rep range and rest schedule builds actual muscle fiber (myofibrillar hypertrophy).

Phase III: Pure density training for maximum definition while purposely avoiding further muscle growth. You will be doing sets in the 2-4 rep range and rest long enough in between sets to lift heavy weights. There will also be a focus on HIIT to lose any excess body fat. This isn’t a bulk and cut program, but you will simply try to get really lean in this phase.

Bonus Phase: This is a strategy used after a period of time in phase III to get what I like to call the “Shrink Wrap Effect”. You begin this phase 3 weeks before an event or vacation. This will make the skin tight around the muscles for maximum definition…and this is long lasting (NOT like carb-depleting and carb-loading).